Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Just checking in!

I am back once again, as the new year comes to an end. I am looking back at the full year and some things ~Smooches~ Starr Monroe

Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday, Nov. 20, 09

Yes, It is earlier in the morning. 4am est. I haven't been able to sleep for the last couple of days. I have been so stress. So much is going on with me until I can't explain it anymore.

Over and over again I try to figure out where I went wrong and I seem to can't figure it out. I have been in the Adult business for now going on 9yrs. I have been off and on. I get full into it and then I stop. I try to focus on other things, then I get out of the business for a while and then end up right back in it. So I am wondering is this what I am truly suppose to be doing. Now, don't get me wrong. I love the business I never said I would be doing it forever.

So I'm getting back in the swing of things not to mention physically getting myself together. Im on a mission to change some things while I am in the game.

So stay tune and keep up.

I will be blogging about it daily!

~Smooches~ Starr Monroe

Monday, November 16, 2009


I am so sick and tired of people saying one thing and doing another. I tell ya. I am no longer that caring about other people I am only gonna care about me. It seems that every time I care and put things aside for me to help everyone else I end up getting the short end of the stick. So from this day on I am only caring about me and only me. I am just so frustrated to beyond belief.

~Smooches~ Starr Monroe

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Getting back on track!

A lot has been going on lately I'm in the process of getting a lot of things off the ground. Yes, I'm back new things are in the works. New site will be coming forth & other new things..............I'm so excited until it dnt make no sense if u thought I was gone think again, I'm back bigger than better.

~Smooches~ Starr Monroe

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Courtesan Site is up and running!

I have finish transferring all information that was on my other courtesan site to the new one. I still have a little final touches to go but I will do that later.

~Smooches~ Starr Monroe

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

In Atlanta,GA by Airport all week long

I will be in Atlanta, GA all week long. Yes, I am home for the week. Handling some personal business along with work things. I will be shooting content for my sites. Working on sites and etc.

It don't get no better than this. Yes, I am drain however, I still have to work work work. It won't get done it I don't get it done.

~Smooches~ Starr Monroe

Monday, November 9, 2009

Traveling back to Atlanta!

I'm back in Atlanta and I am so freakin tired. If I go somewhere else and have another person tell me that I can get off something because they paid money well FYI I paid money just like you did. So what gives you the right to tell me to get off something because you paid your money also. If it is a problem with the sit you can very well move your seat because I was sitting here first. You sat in front of me and there are other seats available. So excuse me if I'm not gonna have talking to me any kind of way. Spare me the BS. WTH is really good with people just saying what they want and etc.
~Smooches~ Starr Monroe

Sunday, November 8, 2009

New things!

I'm still up earlier in the morning getting things together so that I can leave Hampton, VA and head to Atlanta, Ga. Yes, I will be home for a couple of weeks to handle some personal things along with work. Yes, WORK WORK!> I am also in the process of shoot content for my site. Yes, my site www.starrmonroe.com will be launching in the earlier part of the year. FIYAAAAAAA! I also have some other projects that needs to get off the ground. I can only do one project at a time. I am only one person. I am also still traveling so please check out calendar for dates and locations.

~Smooches~ Starr Monroe

My time in Hampton, VA

I must admit I had a good time in Hampton, VA. Even though I guess sometimes the traveling does take a toll on you. I have ran across and met some nice new friends and then I have met the bullshitters as usual.

Sometimes I just wish people well get hook on phonics. Reading is good for the soul! I am so sick and tired of getting the phone calls that ask me the same questions that I put on my post or that is on my site. Would it hurt for you to just read it first.

Then there is the part of "Lets make a Deal" or "Negotiation" where they do that at! There is NO and I will repeat NO "Lets make a deal" or "Negotiation" or "Bargains" so please spare me with all of that. If the donation you see is not to your liking then please do not call me. You will waste your time trust me! I also am not in the business of playing games. So if your about games keep it moving. My time is important!

~Smooches~ Starr Monroe

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Pics from the past!

I was in the process of cleaning my computer and ran across some pics from previous photo shoots! As I look back and think I have been doing this modeling thing for years now! I get into and then I stop and take a break well. I am back fully!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


AMTRAK OMG.............sucks big time. I tell ya I will say this it was a stressful day I had on Sat. 10/31. My train was suppose to leave @ 5pm on Sat. I would arrive at my destination by 9:10pm. Well I want you to know I was at Amtrak by 3:15pm so not only was I early I had to wait to get on the train, freakin train didn't come until 8:15 pm Oh Yes, I was sitting at the Amtrak station that long. Then only to get to Hampton, Va at almost 1am in the morning and had to deal with the stupid hotel and then after I got settle and attempt to get rest. Had to deal with the stupid front desk clerk with her rude ass.

So for those that knows me knows I wasn't having that after all that I just went through, then the little bitch had the nerve to tell me I can leave and she wants me gone. BITCH you just charge my fucking credit card. I am not going ANY WHERE. U got me fucked up I am NOT going ANYWHERE. I'm a rewards member and I PAID my money and I be dammm if your gonna talk to me like that.

I guess she thought I was stupid and she was gonna just say what the hell she wanted and then I was suppose to sit there and take me bitch you got the wrong chic. That is for sure.

So yes, I will be blogging about me travels and ordeal while I am on the road.


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Traveling.........Next Stop.....Newport News/Hampton Rds, VA

I will be in Newport News/Hampton Rds. Area of VA on Sunday Nov. 1 - 7, 09. Meeting new people and taking appointments. Don't miss the chance to see me while I am there.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Another day!

Well I must admit this traveling things is a bit much! I guess you truly don't realize it until it is happening. I am never getting any rest and then on top of that my eating habits are gone. So what do a sistah do............

It day 6 in Washington, DC and I am oh so ready to leave. I have had so much fun here and yes Washington, DC is home and is always good to me. But I must go to another state. I am drain from everything and also school work! But hey you have to do what you have to do to make it and maintain.

I will be back in Washington, DC area around the holiday. Yes, I will be spending Thanksgiving with my family so my travel schedule must go on.

Starr Monroe

DUMB ass Providers

It never seems to amaze me that PROVIDERS or ESCORTS or whatever we are call. Can't take the time to get nice pics taking. Shit. you are providing a service. Damm act like it.............GESH you that dammm trafflin that you have to steal pics. That does not BELONG to you.

Ok so your wondering what I am talking about well let me tell you. Last year I got a phone call from another provider that knows me stated someone in BOSTON has use my pic to post on CL (Craigslist). Well today, someone else stumble on a post posted on CL (Craigslist) and said look at this. Well only to look at it and what do I see http://boston.craigslist.org/nos/ads/1439994248.html. Now, yes I travel but has never been to Boston so I have BITCHES get your own fucking pic. How dare you try to pass my pic off like its yours. That is telling me only 1 fucking thing. YOUR ass is HELLA UGLY if you have to still a pic and then block the face out. I am truly wondering HOW many appointments have you gotten with my pic. I know that if they book an appt and then you open the door and it wasn't the same pic. I know they walk away. You a DUMB ASS.

"Her post"
Hello Gentlemen!

Are you looking for a lady who enjoys your company

I'm a Sexy, Classy and Sweet, Thick and Curvy in all the right places

BBW Available for fun times and companionship. I am

Super Busty with pretty eyes, a seductive smile and a nice Full Figure you will love.

Very classic features, chocolate skin a TRUE BBW doll!!

Call Me to know more.................................. Please be mature when calling because i will give you the dial tone

617 380 9160

BTW, if your gonna HOE damm be the best at it and use your own shit. WTF its my pic and I know its my pic so just that you know. I will make a trip to BOSTON just to show you how its done since you need help in escorting. Im will teach you. Better yet since you like my pic so much that you felt the need to steal it and pass it off as your own. Come on and join the team so WE can teach you how you get it.

Starr Monroe
BTW this is the pic the stupid ass tried to pass off as hers. Damm u mad cuz you don't have ass like me! Grown up!

My original pic

The pic she posted!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Starr Monroe Site!

I am in the process of building my site! There are so many projects that I have going on that it is crazy! So hopefully, I can get everything I need for my site to be finish and up and running soon!

I Desire Real Love!

My Adultspace!

Adult myspace

Washington, DC Area

Once again, I am traveling and YES, I love it when I come back home nevertheless, it is pure buziness nothing more nothing less. Anywho, I will blog about my time here in DC Area.