Sunday, November 8, 2009

My time in Hampton, VA

I must admit I had a good time in Hampton, VA. Even though I guess sometimes the traveling does take a toll on you. I have ran across and met some nice new friends and then I have met the bullshitters as usual.

Sometimes I just wish people well get hook on phonics. Reading is good for the soul! I am so sick and tired of getting the phone calls that ask me the same questions that I put on my post or that is on my site. Would it hurt for you to just read it first.

Then there is the part of "Lets make a Deal" or "Negotiation" where they do that at! There is NO and I will repeat NO "Lets make a deal" or "Negotiation" or "Bargains" so please spare me with all of that. If the donation you see is not to your liking then please do not call me. You will waste your time trust me! I also am not in the business of playing games. So if your about games keep it moving. My time is important!

~Smooches~ Starr Monroe