Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday, Nov. 20, 09

Yes, It is earlier in the morning. 4am est. I haven't been able to sleep for the last couple of days. I have been so stress. So much is going on with me until I can't explain it anymore.

Over and over again I try to figure out where I went wrong and I seem to can't figure it out. I have been in the Adult business for now going on 9yrs. I have been off and on. I get full into it and then I stop. I try to focus on other things, then I get out of the business for a while and then end up right back in it. So I am wondering is this what I am truly suppose to be doing. Now, don't get me wrong. I love the business I never said I would be doing it forever.

So I'm getting back in the swing of things not to mention physically getting myself together. Im on a mission to change some things while I am in the game.

So stay tune and keep up.

I will be blogging about it daily!

~Smooches~ Starr Monroe