Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Folks in the Adult Industry

I choose to blog a little bit about this subject. I guess it is more so the fact the people in the industry are quick to say we need to stick to together but they be the main ones doing the sneaky, undercover, fake crap. I mean how do or can someone respect you in the game and you don't hold up to what you say. I mean Are you SERIOUS?

I mean I keep hearing this individual say we need to stick together but I have found out that he is the most sneaky, backstabbing fake person there is.

Moving along.............

Then you have those that are quick to call other people in the biz names. Have you really check yourself lately. The last time I look you was FAT also. So its funny how you think you can call someone else a name when you fat also. TRUST me! NOT cute either. I guess that makes you feel good to call someone else a name when you fat also. WOW! You so quick to try to justify what you are doing when you are doing the same exact thing (WE) all are doing? Who the FUCK died and made you queen/king? You got to be kidding me. I guess it is never a dull moment in the biz. Think before you start pointing fingers because when you pointing 1 finger you have 3 pointing back at you. Then you have the kids in the biz that act like they don't want to grow up always worried about the next when it is CLEARLY you should be worried about themselves. Imma need yawl to #STFU & #STFD cuz that shit ain't cute. Oh BTW, haven't you heard that jumping on the bandwagon might result in BULLSHIT and I SMELL BULLSHIT. Try being a FUCKING LEADER & not a fucking following. Stop trying to RIDE fucking COAT TAILS and get off that bandwagon and follow your lead not someone else. Kissing ASS is a DISEASE BITCHES GET WELL SOON!


I know who I am and I am HAPPY with self. You dont pay my bills nor do you take care of me. At the end of the day I do me and will continue to do me. I don't need a BUNCH of females in the BIZ to validate me or to make me feel good. This is a BIZ. I treat it just like that. I dont care what you say about me that just shows me I am one HELLA Sexy BIG BITCH since you Sillyhoes got a problem with me. Just remember I do me. You should try doing u and get off that JUMP ALONG BANDWAGON. Tricks are for KIDS! So keep WATCHING ME. Just make SURE you WATCH GOOD cuz if you BLINK you just might MISS something.


Smooches ~~~Starr Monroe
The Adult Model/Fetish Goddess