Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thanks to my promotion TEAM! Kudos

I must say thank you to my promotion team. You all keep doing your job. It never seems to amaze me with the promotions that you all do on a daily basis. So with that being said THANK YOU SO MUCH! #teamstarrmonroe KUDOS.

I am me and will be until you pay my bills than you can have something to say to me. If you don't like something please explain to me why you trying to fuck with it. What you all failed to realize is that what you don't like or agree to someone LOVES. So I pay the cost to be the boss so until you all can make what I make while in your sleep then you talk to me. I don't punch a work clock nor do I work for the white man. I hold 1 degree and working on the second one. I work for myself. So get on my level and then talk shit to me until then Imma need you all to stay in your lane and keep doing the self promotion for me. I love it. I love especially when I am the center or someone I don't even know and all they have to say is negative shit.

Fact #1 YES I am big, fat or whatever u want to call me. But the thing is I CAN LOOSE WEIGHT BUT CAN YOU GAIN A PERSONALITY. NOPE don't think so.

FACT #2 Everything I do I do for a reason and after 12 yrs in the Adult Industry if there was NO use for me I wouldnt have lasted that long. Think about it assholes. I am a BBW Adult Model and Fetish Goddess MEN love me. So I am laughing at you, you honestly think that what you say matters to me NOPE cuz I get paid to do that things that I do. LOL @ your lame ass

FACT #3 Get you together and get off me cuz in the end. Imma still be Starr and still making MONEY. What u don't like someone else DO. So get a life and get a GRIP.

To all my haters! Thank you cuz I know I am doing something right! Fall back and get with the program.

Smooches ~~~Starr Monroe
The Adult Model/Fetish Goddess